Recommendations de Podcasts

Note: Article uniquement en Anglais
Désolé, mais comme j’écoute des podcasts uniquement en anglais, cet article ne sera qu’en anglais.

I could be described as a passionate podcast listener, whether I’m on public transport, wondering around town, doing some odd jobs around the flat or during a quiet period at work I usually stick on a podcast. Here are some of my recomendations

Host Jack takes you on journeys about hackers,breaches, shadow government activity and cybercrime. Jack is a great story teller and his episodes are extremely well written and researched, sound design is also on point.

Risky Business is a weekly podcast that features mostly IT & security news and great in-depth commentary from security industry experts. Hosted by journalist Patrick Grey it is always worth a listen.

Geoff White and Jean Lee take you on the story of “Almost the Perfect Crime”. Starts with a hacking ring and an attempt to steal a billion dollars. Investigators point to North Korea. Again another podcast that is well researched and written.

BBC World Service

Jamie Bartlett and his team of researchers take you one the story of Dr Ruja Ignatova and the thrilling rise and fall of the biggest cryptocurrency ponzi schemes in history. Need I say more? Great story.

BBC Radio 5 Live

Another Podcast about a crypto scam. Gerald Cotten, the founder of Canada’s biggest Bitcoin exchange died under mysterious circumstances during a honeymoon trip to India in 2018.

His customers were told that the $215 million they’d deposited on the exchange was lost forever — because Gerry had forgotten to leave behind his passwords.

However quite a lot of people don’t believe that he’s dead.

A story of rescuing child abuse victims around the world, Hunting Wardhead follows the journalists and the police exposing the darkest corners of the internet. Great podcast although can be hard to listen to at times due to the subject matter.

CBC Podcasts

Marit Higraff and Neil McCarth follows a two your investigation into the Isdal Women case, an unknown women whose burned body was found in western Norway in 1970.

Due to the interest in the podcast, new leads were gathered by crowd-source researchers, finally convinving the Bergen Police to reopen the case in 2016.

Thats all for now. Have you got a podcast suggestion? Drop it in the comments below

Photo by Melanie Pongratz @